Post by unknownJapan is gonna kill 840 whales this and next year.
Therefor I am gonna boycott Japan and not play
PS2 / PS3 / PSP / DS / GC for one month!
Also I'm not gonna watch Bukkake movies for 3 hours!
Sadly, it appears to be a popular misconception that whales are relatively
harmless marine mammals.
In fact, the latest scientific research - funded by the Japanese whaling
industry - conclusively proves that whales are ocean-poisoning vermin, and
are currently plotting with Greenpeace to take over Japan with free MP3
downloads of their version of REO Speedwagon's "Keep On Loving You". In
addition, a small group of killer whales were found to have been developing
microscopic sea-launched laser rockets, designed to penetrate the brains of
Japanese children and infect them with radioactive bird flu.
Therefore, the strong recommendation was that the Japanese should use their
superior hands and technology to find them, kill them, and slice them up. As
they claimed to have done successfully with the evil dinosaurs, and Fine
Fare supermarket staff.